How we can help Work Job Match participant Tony thanks Disability Action Posted 12.12.2019 Job Match participant Tony has secured part-time work with J Bradley & Sons, a Building materials store in Ringsend, Coleraine. He has written to Heather Logan - his Supported Employment Officer - to show his gratitude to her and Disability Action. "Thank you very much for giving me the chance to return to work which has had a beneficial impact on my health and my general outlook. Being supported at work allows me to remain in the workplace at a pace that works around my disabilities. I also get the chance to retain some of the skills I used in my previous roles. Having support from you has enhanced my confidence and I am learning new skills and interacting with my colleagues. I am also in the position where I can re-schedule my hours if I am unwell. Without the intervention from Heather at Disability Action I would be stuck at home which was having a negative impact on my physical and mental health. Being in an environment where I don't have to hide my disability has given me confidence and I can chat freely with my colleagues. I used to feel that my outlook was very bleak but now I am enjoying life again. Thank you again for everything that you have done for me." If you need help to find paid work or are an employer with a role to fill - contact the Job Match team.