Posted 07.07.2021

Our teams work hard to support and mentor disabled people via our many services and it's always good to get positive feedback. Below is an email from Jack (name changed) who emailed to thank the team, and his Job Match Support Officer Heather Logan in particular, for our support.

Throughout my time with Disability Action, I have received continuous support, encouragement motivation and a constant striving on the part of Disability Action to go that extra mile in terms of making me feel valued.

This has been personified by my Job Match support worker Heather Logan, a truly remarkable individual who demonstrates not only the professionalism in her daily and weekly dealings with me, but also is a person who deeply cares about people and their needs.

Go that extra mile in terms of making me feel valued. 

Disability Action and their way of operating is certainly a role model for other organisations in the voluntary sector to model and learn from.

Especially in these times of tremendous challenges and with about at least 1 in 5 of the population being registered disabled, again I cannot highlight enough the importance of their role in Northern Ireland and wider afield.

They run many successful job match projects and other educational programmes which have helped to educate people to the needs and awareness of people with disabilities.

I feel that Disability Action needs to go into the schools as well as employers to enlighten young people about the many issues involved.

This must be supported by funding, which will facilitate a successful outcome of making our society more tolerant and inclusive of everyone, less selfless and welcoming for every citizen.

Find out more about Job Match and the work Heather does

If you are an employer and would like to have a chat with our team about helping your staff understand more about disability contact our Workable NI team Miriam Bacon or Gillian Rainey on 028 9029 7880 or email [email protected] or [email protected]. 

If you are an education organisation or a training provider and want to know how our Training Support Services team can support young people in training and education contact Lisa McVeigh on 028 9029 7880 or email [email protected].