38% of respondents to our COVID-19 survey reported changes or challenges with caring for children/family at home Posted 21.10.2020 Childrens Law Centre undertook a piece of work with Open Democracy along with the family of a child, Lauryn; a child with disabilities who suffered huge inequality during lockdown because of lack of access to education. From one week to the next Lauryn went from having a full package of support for her severe learning difficulties to having nothing. Instead she was put on diazepam.Tina Fyfe, mother of Lauryn, a 17 year old suffering from autism, severe learning disabilities and a mood disorder, bravely tells the story of what happened to their family when all services were removed during the coronavirus lockdown in March 2020. Click here to read and listen to Tina's story: Sedated and abandoned: the struggle to care for my disabled daughter during lockdown. Read our full report - The impact of COVID-19 on disabled people in NI