How we can help Training Meet Fionan: Apprentice with Brendan Devenney, Plumbing & Boiler Services 28.04.2021 Meet Fionan who is employed under the Training for Success NI Apprenticeship Programme with Brendan Devenney, Plumbing & Boiler Services, Omagh, under the watchful eye of his Father who has a wealth of experience and skills to pass on. Fionan attends South West College, Omagh, where he achieved NVQ Level I & II Plumbing and is currently undertaking Level III Plumbing under the Apprenticeship Programme. Fionan has demonstrated there are no limitations to what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. He has used his time in training to gain the necessary skills, knowledge experience and qualifications for the world of work. Throughout his training he has availed of additional support from Disability Action’s Training Support Service, comprising 1-1 person centered support visits in college, liaising with tutors/placement officer, advocacy and employer engagement. Fionan would recommend other young people to use Disability Action’s support service to help them during their training as he found it beneficial both in college and in the workplace and his confidence has improved immensely. Brendan Devenney, Fionan’s Father said: I would encourage employers to give young people a chance, an opportunity, an environment to train and learn and bring the best out of them. This is not only investing time in young people but an investment in the business to develop skilled employees for the future. Read more on how our Training Support Services team can help you on your apprenticeship journey If you want to find out more about taking on a disabled apprentice contact: Lisa McVeigh, Training Support Services Manager (Temporary) Mobile: 07967 737470 E-mail: [email protected] or Anne Reid, Job Match Manager (Interim), Mobile: 07767 112291 E-mail: [email protected]