Posted 11.03.2021

Workable NI is a person-centred programme that supports disabled people who are new to the workplace as well as those who have been employed for many years and are facing some challenging times. The support is tailored to each individual's needs and a member of our team will work with you and your employer to ensure you are happy in your job.

Workable NI supports 200+ disabled people in the workplace.

Workable NI is providing support and advice to 180+ employers across Northern Ireland who employ disabled people.

In this blog we are introducing our experienced and understanding Workable NI team who provide quality support and guidance to both participants and employers to get the best outcomes possible. 

If you are about to start a new job or are having difficulties in your existing job, contact a member of our Workable NI team located in the area where you work and live.

Read more about Workable NI and the type of support the team provides to disabled people and employers 

Posted 27.05.2021

Lynda Brown, Workable NI Employment and Training Officer, has worked in the disability and employment sector for 25 years, the last 6 years being with the Disability Action team supporting disabled people who want to find employment or retain their current employment as they may have acquired a disability.

Lynda tells us:

My job satisfaction comes from working with employers to change mind set and help them understand the value that disabled people can bring to the workforce. 

Knowing that I am helping to open up doors of opportunity that will have a positive impact on disabled people as they become a valued member of the workforce, make new friends and gain on their confidence and self-esteem gives me great satisfaction.

If you live in the Southern Trust area and need some support in the workplace contact Lynda Tel. 07718 977055 Email: [email protected].

Posted 19.05.2021

With 21 years’ experience of supporting disabled people to resolve employment issues, Miriam Bacon, Workable NI/Employment Support Scheme Manager, has been jointly managing the Workable NI programme for four years.

Over the last 4 years I've enjoyed the challenges as we endeavour to support disabled people and their employers in their workplaces. I get great job satisfaction from working with disabled people to promote equality and working towards a society where we can all meet our potential.

Recently Miriam has been helping Mark* by providing him with information regarding his work situation. Mark told us

I cannot thank you enough for this. You (Miriam) have been tremendously helpful and I appreciate all the hard work that organisations like Disability Action do for people like me; you truly are life savers.

If like Mark you need some support in the workplace and want to find out how Workable NI could support you contact Miriam Tel: 07951 601993 or Email: [email protected].

Posted 12.05.2021

Workable NI Employment and Training Officer Janice Crawley has been part of the Disability Action team for over 22 years and provides support to disabled people in the workplace in the Newtownabbey, Carrickfergus, Larne and Ballymena areas.

Contrary to popular belief, many disabled people may only require minimal support to help them adjust to the working environment. Janice says:

I love working with employers and participants to find the most suitable reasonable adjustments and I get great satisfaction from seeing the positive impact that these can have.

Reasonable adjustments can be as easy as changing break times to suit the individual’s needs, moving workstations to make them more accessible and comfortable for the individual or allocating tasks differently for individuals to better cope with their workloads. Most reasonable adjustments cost nothing or very little and the emphasis is on the word ‘reasonable’, and what is reasonable can depend on the size of the business. Employers can also access financial support for more costly adjustments such as Access to Work.

If you live in the Newtownabbey, Carrickfergus, Larne and Ballymena areas and need support at work or are an employer wanting to find out more about providing reasonable adjustments for a disabled employee, contact Janice T. 07951 601915 or Email [email protected].

Posted 05.05.2021

Employment and Training Officer Claire Greene supports disabled people who are new to the workplace, as well as those who have been employed for many years, and are facing some challenging times.

Claire says:

I am proud to be part of a team who can offer so much disability related knowledge and experience. What motivates me every day is knowing I can work alongside many great employers to introduce positive change and recruit and retain valuable staff.

If you live in the South Down area and need support in the workplace give Claire a call 07918 678440 or email her [email protected].

Posted 28.04.2021

Since 2007, Brenda McAninley Employment and Training Officer (ETO), has been providing support to disabled people in employment in the Tyrone and surrounding areas.

Brenda says:

It is such a rewarding job where you get the chance to make a real difference to someone’s independence and advancement in employment.

Brenda works with participants and employers and has developed great working partnerships with them. She says:

Employers and participants often say that having the support of someone who understands disability and employment has been of real value to them both.

Brenda also plays an important role within Disability Action’s Employment & Training team supporting trainees on the Training for Success programme with essential skills, literacy and numeracy to provide them with key skills they can use in everyday situations and qualifications that employers recognise.

If you live in Tyrone or surrounding areas and need some support in the workplace contact Brenda T. 07718 977053 Email: [email protected].

Posted 22.04.2021

Now in her 30th year of employment with Disability Action, Eilish Wright Employment and Training Officer (ETO), is proud to be part of this charitable organization. Eilish’s main role has been supporting employers and employees in the workplace, including participants on the Employment Support programme which was established in the mid-eighties to address under-employment of disabled people, raise awareness and increase opportunities.

About her job Eilish says:

I encounter people, often in complex situations, and I assist them to continue their chosen career and enjoy their job with whatever support is needed. As an ETO I listen, advise and write a Development Plan with disabled people and their employer.

If you live in the Greater Belfast, Newtownabbey or Holywood areas and need some support in the workplace contact Eilish T. 07967 737590 Email: [email protected]

Since October 2019 Eilish has been working with Jayne, a Clerical Officer employed by Habinteg Housing Association (Ulster) Ltd. Through Workable NI Jayne is getting support to make the working environment work for her. Read Jayne's full story.

Colin Downey has been supporting Workable NI participants for almost 7 years and is our Employment and Training Officer covering the Belfast to Ballymena area.

About his job, Colin says:

What I enjoy most about my job is without doubt making things easier for my clients in work. Listening to my client’s needs is vital to ensure that they have the best possible chance to sustain employment in their chosen field. The Workable NI programme is a great service as it meets the needs of the individual as well as the employer; this ensures that both parties are supported throughout the process. 

If you live in the Belfast to Ballymena area and need some support in the workplace contact Colin Tel: 07501 250901 Email: [email protected].

Posted 08.04.2021

Employment and Training Officer, Nicky Clarke joined the Disability Action team over 15 years ago in an IT / Personal Development role, and then moved into the Workable NI Employment & Training Officer role a few years later - supporting disabled people and their employers in the workplace.

About her job, Nicky says:

I like the diversity of my job, working with so many different employers in all sectors as well as employees at different levels of the workforce.

I have a particular interest in Assistive Technology and how it can improve employability, independence and efficiency for disabled people.  I am also part of the Disability Action Mental Health Charter Group and am passionate about protecting people’s Health and Well-being and seeing supportive working environments.

Nicky supports disabled people and their employers in the Belfast area. If you live in Belfast and need some support to address work issues give Nicky a call 07501 250224 or email her [email protected].

Posted 31.03.2021

Sinead Kerton, Employment and Training Officer, has been supporting Workable NI participants for 8 years now and covers the Newry and Mourne area.

Sinead says:

The best thing about my job is seeing the satisfaction our participants get from being in employment. The Workable NI programme is tailored to the needs of the individual and employer; it facilitates positive change for all involved and sustains employment.

If you live in the Newry and Mourne area and need some support in the workplace contact Sinead T. 07519 122212 Email: [email protected]

Posted 23.03.2021

Declan McColgan, Employment & Training Officer, has been employed by Disability Action for two years and normally covers the North West, Ballymena, Omagh and Enniskillen areas. 

Declan says:

The best thing about my job is making participants happy in their hob. Workable NI is person-centred and we assist our clients in sustaining and maintaining their employment. Employers and employees regularly express their gratitude for our endeavours and the necessity for the Workable NI service. 

On a personal level, Declan’s greatest achievement to date was in 2010 when he graduated with a BA Hons degree in English Literature having returned to education as a mature student.

This was a significant achievement for me as I was out of education for approximately sixteen years and, prior to attending university, had never read an entire book from start to finish!

If you need some support in the workplace and live in the areas Declan works in contact Declan M: 07442 490927 Email: [email protected].

Posted 17.03.2021

Employment & Training Officer Norma Bolton has been part of the Workable NI team for the past 8 years and mainly works in the North Down and Ards area as well as covering East Belfast.

Norma says:

The best part of my job is working with so many wonderful participants and being able to contribute to their career journey.

Having gained experience in employment, disability and reasonable adjustments over many years it’s great to be able to provide appropriate advice and guidance when needed most and particularly when participants may be feeling at their most vulnerable in work. To be able to mentor and support participants through difficult situations and see them progress is so very rewarding.

When Norma’s not working, she enjoys drama and has been in many plays and Christmas Pantomimes over the years but since lockdown she says:

The closest I’ve got to Panto is feeling a bit like (a slightly older version!) of Snow White, feeding and observing all the lovely birds and squirrels in my garden.

If you need some support in the workplace and live in North Down and Ards or East Belfast areas give Norma a call Tel: 07442 491902. or email her Email: [email protected]

Gillian Rainey, Workable NI Manager: Gillian has been jointly managing the Workable NI programme for the last three and a half years, working with the team based throughout N.Ireland.

Gillian says:

I enjoy the challenges as we endeavour to support disabled people and their employers in their workplaces. Workable NI is a flexible, person centred programme that is put in place to address work issues and difficulties. We have a high success rate of moving people into open unsupported work, but also provide long term support to those who need it to retain their employment.

If you want to know more about Workable NI contact Gillian Tel: 07944 361393 Email: [email protected]