In the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Disability Action provides an advocacy service specifically for younger people who are going through the Transitions process from childrens' services to adult services.. Our advocates work with younger people with disabilities in the community and a range of other settings. The service is:

  • confidential;

  • provided free of charge; and

  • independent, which means the advocate can work in partnership with people, with no conflict of interest.

Information on this service is also available in Easy Read.

Who can use the service?

To access the service you need to have a disability and be in transitioning from childrens' to adults services and live in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area (or be under their care).  

How can the advocate help you?

  • The advocate supports people with disabilities to understand their rights and encourages you to speak up if you are unhappy about how you have been treated.

  • The advocate will listen to the you and identify the options available to you. Once you have made a decision on how you want to deal with the situation, the advocate will support you to take action and say what you want.

  • The advocate is also there to ensure that people with disabilities have choices about their lives; have access to the services you need and supports you to say how you want to live.

Non-instructed advocacy

The advocate also provides non-instructed advocacy, when a person cannot give a clear indication of their views or wishes in a specific situation.  In these cases, the advocate works to uphold the person’s rights, ensure fair and equal treatment and access to services and make certain that decisions are taken with due consideration for the person’s individual wills and preferences.  

Anyone involved in a persons care can make a request for an advocate become involved but the advocate will always act only for the individual and not for the person making the request.

Making a referral

Anyone can make a referral to the service.  If you would like to contact and Advocate please telephone 028 9029 7880 and someone will take a message and pass it onto an Advocate.  You can also email [email protected]