Today, 10th September, is World Suicide Prevention Day Posted 10.09.2020 The five HSC Trusts, Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) are working together this year for the first time, to roll out a regional campaign to connect World Suicide Prevention Day and World Mental Health Day. The campaign aims to promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of everyone living in Northern Ireland and will focus on promotion of self-care and looking after each other using the Take 5 approach and the range of support and resources available. ‘Working Together to Promote Mental Wellbeing’ launched on Monday 7th September 2020 and will run for a five week period. Get involved by sharing social media posts which will be on the NHSCT socials on Mondays and Thursdays during this period. Also please use the logo above and the hashtag #MentalWellbeingNI2020 and sharing any events or initiatives that fit with each week’s Take 5 theme so that as many people know about them as possible. For more information about how you can promote this important campaign, please download the brief below or contact your local HSC Trust representative: Belfast Trust: Ben Hanvey – [email protected]Northern Trust: Selena Ramsey – [email protected]South Eastern Trust: Alison Doake – [email protected]Southern Trust: Deirdre McParland – [email protected]Western Trust: Sonia Montgomery – [email protected] View and download the timeline and themes for each week