Posted 06.04.2022

Patient and client experience is recognised as a key element in the delivery of quality healthcare. In line with this, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is carrying out an extensive piece of work across all Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs), with the aim of introducing a more patient and client-focused approach to services and shaping future healthcare in Northern Ireland.

This is called 10,000 More Voices, it gives you an opportunity to highlight what is important to you, such as what you particularly liked or disliked about the experience and what matters to you.  The 10,000 Voices Initiative is focused on gathering stories from people who receive services in health and social care and staff who deliver these so that we can make timely improvements to the delivery of care.

They want to read accounts from patients, clients, families, carers and staff of your experiences in healthcare, so we can understand the impact this experience has had on you (or the person you care for).

You are invited to share your story/your experience as a relative or close friend of someone who has been involved with a social worker, across all settings and all programmes of care. This is an anonymous survey and you are asked not to share the names of family members, care givers or staff. You can write as little or as much as you wish.

The PHA is interested in hearing about your experience. Please note that by taking part in this survey you are consenting to your anonymous information being used for research; in the development of reports; staff education and training, and for other purposes within the Health and Social Care organisations.

Please be advised that by filling in this form you are acknowledging your consent to your anonymous information being used for the purposes outlined above.

Download and fill out the form


Complete the survey online