Barnardos NI - See, Hear, Respond Posted 23.10.2020 See, Hear, Respond is a new Barnardo’s Service funded by the National Emergencies Trust. It will quickly respond to children, young people and families anywhere in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales who might need additional support to cope with the impact of coronavirus.In response to COVID-19, Barnardos have a number of ways to offer you support if you live in Northern Ireland: Confidential online referral A free helpline (0800 157 7015) A support hub of advice and information Barnardos can help with everything from money worries, to coping with stress and isolation, school anxiety, those with health vulnerabilities or disabilities, relationships with parents or family, keeping safe and well during COVID and much more. This service is designed for both children, young people and their families, as well as professionals who would like to discuss concerns for someone. Read more about the service