We are thrilled to highlight the successful partnership between Disability Action and McDonald's Coleraine, exemplifying our commitment to inclusivity and support for individuals with diverse needs. Through our collaborative efforts, particularly via the Workable NI programme and our dedicated mental health counselling service, we have been able to provide invaluable assistance to employees, ensuring they thrive in the workplace.

Our recent initiatives, including two Employment Academies held at the local restaurant in March and April, have yielded remarkable results. All seven participants who engaged in these academies have secured employment at McDonald's Coleraine, with each position tailored to their specific requirements. This achievement not only underscores the effectiveness of our collaborative approach but also showcases the potential for meaningful employment opportunities when organisations prioritise accessibility and reasonable adjustments in the workplace.

Heather Logan, Employment & Skills Manager, has been delighted to work alongside Sharon Baillie, Company Director and her team for the past 18 months, supporting their growth as a cohesive unit. Together, they've empowered each other to speak up about individual issues and fostered a culture of mutual support. Recognising the increasing prevalence of mental health issues among their staff, Sharon proactively sought additional training for their management and support teams, reaching out to Heather for advice.

In response, Heather provided online Disability Equality Training to all managers and support staff, leading to a better understanding of the challenges individuals with disabilities face and how best to assist them in the workplace. Additionally, Heather has delivered the PHA Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing to over 50 staff members, including Crew Members. This training, designed to enhance emotional resilience and well-being, focuses on practical ways to incorporate the five steps into everyday life.

Additionally, we are excited to announce that Heather and Chris (Employment & Skills Officer) are both delighted to be supporting McDonald's Coleraine in participating in their McDonald's 30 Parks in 30 Days initiative on Monday 10 June 2024. This collaboration further strengthens our partnership and demonstrates our shared commitment to community engagement and social responsibility.

Heather Logan, Employment & Skills Manager said “We look forward to continuing our partnership with McDonald's Coleraine, as we strive to create an environment where everyone can achieve their fullest potential, regardless of ability."

three people standing in front of a McDonalds building

Sharon Baillie (Company Director, McDonald’s Coleraine), Chris Bolton (Employment & Skills Officer, Disability Action) & Heather Logan (Employment & Skills Manager, Disability Action)