Who we are About us Staff charity supports Kanyerere ECD Centre, Tanzania Posted 25.09.2019 The Disability Action team love their snacks - so we have a tuck shop - the proceeds of which go directly into the staff charity Disability Aid Abroad. From the money raised this year in the tuck shop we will be sending £500 to support the Kanyerere Early Childhood Development Centre in Tanzania. Kanyerere ECD Centre was established in May 2015 by Malimi Luhanya. Disability Aid Abroad have helped him develop it from a piece of waste ground into a centre of excellence for disabled education. Initially they had no toilet facilities or desks and chairs – the children had to sit on a mud floor! Our money has helped to improve this. This years support will go towards educational supplies to keep the centre going. A big thank you to all the Disability Action staff for their support.