DPOs should be involved in the development of policies and strategies Posted 24.08.2021 Disabled people and their organisations (Disabled Peoples Organisations - DPOs) were very much locked out of COVID-19 emergency responses, leading to disabled people bearing the brunt of the worst impacts of the pandemic.General Comment 7 from the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Disabled People (UNCRPD) is explicit about State parties, including Councils, duties to include disabled people and their representative organisations in the development of policies and strategies.It also says that States parties have duties on delivery of rights under Article 11 of the UNCRPD that disabled people and their organisations should be involved in emergency response planning:"In situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies (art. 11), it is important for States parties and humanitarian actors to ensure the active participation of and coordination and meaningful consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities, including those at all levels." Read more from DPOs and the UNCRPD duties on delivery of rights