Posted 12.08.2021

The future of DPOs is dependent on ongoing emergency funding needs of the DPOs. We, Disability Action NI, Inclusion Scotland, Inclusion London and Disability Wales, are calling on governments and mainstream funding bodies to support DPOs. are calling on governments and mainstream funding bodies to support DPOs.

Stories from DPOs across the UK have shown that it was only with the vital support of the DPO COVID-19 NET Emergency Fund that they were able to continue to support disabled people throughout the pandemic and, for some, funding was a lifeline enabling them to remain operational.  

This fund was inundated with applications with over £3.4million applied for - far exceeding the £1,092,906 of emergency COVID-19 funding - showing the scale of need in response to the crisis.

Ongoing emergency funding is needed to build on the achievements of the DPO COVID-19 NET Emergency Fund project and the determination of DPOs to support disabled people locally.  

Read more from DPOs and their need for funding