Posted 08.10.2020

In the Western Health & Social Care Trust, Disability Action provides an Advocacy Service specifically for people with a physical or sensory disability. Our advocates work with disabled people in the community and hospital settings.

Independent Advocate, Maura McNeill, recently helped Ms A - a 44 year old who had a rare generic disability called C90RF72 – a mixture of Dementia (FL), Parkinson and possible Motor Neuron Disease, required 24 hr care and the family members were struggling to provide this. Family also found it difficult to avail of respite due to the nature of their sister’s disability and the high dependency levels. Ms A also had three children - two daughters in their 20’s and a son aged 11 which her sister also helped out with.
Ms A's sister contacted Maura for help and through the Advocacy service Maura was able to advise and support Ms A and her family. Ms A's sister said:

“I wish to offer my support to a truly amazing lady Maura McNeill whom without direction and advice I’m not sure how our family situation would have unfolded. Maura has been amazing in her role of advocate for our sister and our family, we could not have got this point without her continued support.

Following other so called support services which failed our family greatly, we felt Maura was understanding of our family unique situation, which included both adult and children’s rights & welfare. She wasted no time in contacting local services to push support for my sister who has a rare condition and know finally has received the support worthy of her having a quality of life for her and her young child.

This is an excellent service to our family our communities and city.

Many thanks Maura we look forward to working with you again in the future.”

Anyone can make a referral to the service. If you live in the Western Health & Social Care Trust area (To see the extent of the WHSCT geographic region click hereand need to make a referral to our Advocacy Service contact Maura McNeill, Tel: 028 7136 0811 Mobile: 07813 723512, Email: [email protected] 

Read more about our Advocacy Service throughout N.Ireland.