How we influence d/Deaf and Disabled People's Election Special with the Ulster Unionist Party Posted 30.03.2022 Disability Action, North West Forum of People with Disabilities and RNID will host the d/Deaf and Disabled People's Election Special with the Ulster Unionist Party, featuring: Robbie Butler, MLA, Deputy Leader, Chair of APG on Disability Bethany Ferris, Candidate for North Antrim Stephen McCarthy, Councillor, Antrim and Newtownabbey Ian Marshall, Candidate for West Tyrone Jill MacAuley, Councillor, Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon The event will be Chaired by our colleague Greta Gurklyte, Disability Rights Campaigner and Human and Women's Rights Activist. BSL and ISL Interpreters and live captioning will be available. Join us on Monday 4 April 2022 at 12 noon. Register for tickets