How we can help Transport The DATS service has been a lifeline for Heather Posted 19.02.2021 Our partner Easilink provides the Disability Action Transport Scheme (DATS) service in the Omagh and Strabane areas. Last week, driver Sean provided transport for DATS member Heather Shaw to her weekly physio appointment and to get her COVID-19 vaccine.Heather who has Multiple Sclerosis and is a wheelchair user attends weekly physiotherapy and has regular hospital appointments at Omagh Hospital. She joined DATS last year, after having to miss a few appointments as she had no way to get to them, and has been actively using the service for the past 3 months. Heather’s carer travels with her to appointments and helps assist her when necessary. The DATS service has been a lifeline for her and has made life so much easier. If you need transport assistance become a member of DATS