Posted 12.11.2020

It's 25 years since the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) became law, but the campaign for equality goes on. What has changed and what needs to happen next?

Disability Action believes there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve full equality:

DDA was a welcome addition to Equality Legislation and has allowed many disabled people to challenge discrimination.  However, there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve full equality across many aspects of society.  Employers and service providers should be supported to not only be legally compliant but to promote full access and break down existing barriers through meaningful engagement with disabled people.

The BBC this week published an interesting article in which six people close to the legislation - having fought for it, used it or worked with it - say what they think of the law as it stands and what they would like to see next.

Read the full BBC article - Disability laws are 25 years old, what next?