Posted 25.06.2021

Leanne Mackle, Training Support Services (TSS) Employment and Training Officer, works with young people in training at People 1st in Portadown and Lurgan, Hair Academy in Portadown, SRC in Armagh and SWC in Enniskillen. 

Over the last 4 years Leanne has been helping young people, aged 16-22 on the Training for Success or Apprenticeship NI programme, to achieve their goals by supporting and encouraging them every step of the way through their training.  

Leanne tells us:

I love working with employers and Training Organisations to come up with new reasonable adjustments to make paid work more achievable for trainees with additional needs.

Leanne also engages with their families, providing reassurance about progress, benefits and support available.

If you are in training at any of the above education and training colleges and need some support contact Leanne T: 07966 232686, E: [email protected].

Read more about the support Leanne and our TSS team can provide